首页 > Blossary: 内齿轮

类别 Autos

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Created by: shirleysunny

Number of Blossarys: 5

Collected Terms

Any car with a manual transmission has a clutch. The clutch mechanically connects the transmission to the engine. A clutch is needed so that the transmission could be disengaged from the engine when ...

Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile

A Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF) is one of the components of a car electronic fuel injection system. A mass air flow sensor is installed inside the intake air duct between the air filter and the intake ...

Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile

A drive belt is used to drive accessories installed on your car engine, such as the alternator, water pump, power steering pump and the air conditioner compressor.

Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile

安装在机器回转轴上的具有较大转动惯量的轮状蓄能器。当机器转速增高时,飞轮的动能增加,把能量贮蓄起来;当机器转速降低时,飞轮动能减少,把能量释放出来。飞轮可以用来减少机械运转过程的速度波动。 ...

Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile


Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile

汽车保险杠是吸收和缓和外界冲击力、防护车身前后部的安全装置。许多年以前汽车前后保险杠是用钢板冲压成槽钢,与车架纵梁铆接或焊接在一起的,与车身有一段较大的间隙,看上去十分不美观。随着汽车工业的发展和工程塑料在汽车工业的大量应用,汽车保险杠作为一种重要的安全装置也走向了革新的道路。今天的轿车前后保险杠除了保持原有的保护功能外,还要追求与车体造型的和谐与统一,追求本身的轻量化。目前轿车的前后保险杠都是塑 ...

Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile

引导活塞在其中进行直线往复运动的圆筒形金属机件。工质在发动机气缸中通过膨胀将热能转化为机械能;气体在压缩机气缸中接受活塞压缩而提高压力。涡轮机、旋转活塞式发动机等的壳体通常也称"气缸"。 ...

Domain: Automotive; 分类: Automobile

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引导活塞在其中进行直线往复运动的圆筒形金属机件。工质在发动机气缸中通过膨胀将热能转化为机械能;气体在 ...

分类: Autos

By: shirleysunny

汽车保险杠是吸收和缓和外界冲击力、防护车身前后部的安全装置。许多年以前汽车前后保险杠是用钢板冲压成槽 ...

分类: Autos

By: shirleysunny

Mompetition is the one-up rivalry that moms play ...

分类: Entertainment

By: shirleysunny

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