American Meteorological Society
行业: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
Χρησιμοποιούνται για να κάνουν ένα χρόνο ρεκόρ ορισμένων χρονογράφο μετράται μετεωρολογικών στοιχείων. Ο πιο κοινός τύπος, το triple εγγραφή, εγγραφές κατεύθυνση του ανέμου και η ταχύτητα, η διάρκεια της ηλιοφάνειας, και το ύψος των βροχοπτώσεων (ανιχνεύονται, αντίστοιχα, από ένα επαφής ανεμόμετρο, Marvin Ηλιογράφος και απόθεση-κάδος βροχόμετρο). Το μητρώο αποτελείται από μια περιστρεφόμενη, ρολόι με γνώμονα τύμπανο σε έναν ελικοειδή άξονα, ένα ξεχωριστό στυλό για κάθε στοιχείο, και ο ωθώντας μηχανισμός για τις πένες. Διπλό μητρώα χρησιμοποιούνται επίσης. Πολλαπλές μητρώα αυτού του τύπου παρωχημένος.
Hailstone growth by several ascents and descents within a cloud. At present, this is considered a common occurrence, but not a necessary one for the formation of hail.
Scattering of radiation, usually electromagnetic but possibly acoustic, by an array of objects (e. G. , atoms, molecules, particles) each of which is excited to scatter (radiate) not only by an external source but also by the scattered radiation from the other objects in the array. Multiple scattering is distinguished from single scattering, an idealization strictly realized only with a single object excited by an infinitely distant source. Scattering as a consequence solely of excitation by the external source is sometimes referred to as primary scattering, the remaining scattering as secondary scattering, which is misleading in that it can be decomposed into an infinite series of primary, secondary, tertiary, and higher-order scattering. Multiple scattering can be classified according to the coherence properties of the array and the external source. For incoherent multiple scattering, phase differences of scattered waves are random, and scattered powers are additive. For coherent multiple scattering, phase differences of scattered waves are not random, and scattered fields are additive. Incoherent and coherent multiple scattering are idealizations. An example of (primarily) incoherent multiple scattering is scattering of sunlight by thick clouds. An example of (mostly) coherent multiple scattering is specular reflection by a glass of water. Scattering by a single cloud droplet is an example of scattering by a coherent array the water molecules in the droplet stick together (cohere) in the sense that the phase differences between their individual scattered waves are fixed whereas scattering by the entire cloud is incoherent in the sense that for droplets separated by random distances large compared with the wavelength, the phase differences between waves scattered by individual droplets are essentially random.
Radiative transfer in which more than one scattering event may be of importance before transmission, reflection, or absorption. Multiple-scattering is the dominant effect on the transfer of solar radiation within clouds, giving rise to diffuse radiation. Compare single-scattering.
A reservoir designed and operated to serve two or more purposes, such as flood control, hydroelectric power, navigation, irrigation, pollution control, water supply, and recreation.
(Symbol O. ) An element, atomic number 8, atomic weight 16. 0; molecular oxygen, formula O<sub>2</sub>, molecular weight 32, is the second most abundant species in the atmosphere, with an abundance of approximately 21% at sea level. The atmospheric abundance of O<sub>2</sub> remains fairly constant up to about 80 km, above which substantial photodissociation to atomic oxygen occurs. Oxygen is a prerequisite to almost all forms of terrestrial life. Oxygen was probably released from minerals such as carbonates resulting in the evolution from a reducing to an oxidizing atmosphere. The general tendency is for reduced emissions from the earth's surface to be oxidized to simpler, oxygen-containing species. Atomic oxygen is formed in the photolysis of molecular oxygen, O<sub>2</sub>; ozone, O<sub>3</sub>; or nitrogen dioxide, NO<sub>2</sub>, in the atmosphere. Below about 40 km, its predominant fate is recombination with molecular oxygen to form ozone. Above that altitude it can participate in other chemical reactions, which may lead to ozone destruction. Both molecular and atomic oxygen have low-lying electronically excited states that are important in the atmosphere. The <sup>1</sup>Δ and <sup>1</sup>Σ states of O<sub>2</sub> are relatively long- lived, and fluorescence from these states contributes to the airglow. The O<sup>1</sup>D state of atomic oxygen, formed in ozone photolysis, reacts to form the hydroxyl radical, which is the primary oxidant in the atmosphere.
Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in which molecular oxygen, O<sub>2</sub>, absorbs solar radiation but plays an insignificant role in the direct heating of the atmosphere. This band is strong between 0. 13 and 0. 17 μm, and is of special importance in the absorption of ultraviolet radiation.
A nearly colorless gas, formula O<sub>3</sub>, molecular weight 48, that appears blue in the condensed phase or at high concentration, with a characteristic odor like that of weak chlorine. It is formed in the reaction between atomic oxygen and molecular oxygen:. It is a very strong absorber of ultraviolet radiation, and the presence of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere provides an ozone shield that prevents dangerous radiation from reaching the earth's surface and allows the existence of life in its present forms. Ozone, produced by photochemical reactions, is found at all altitudes in the atmosphere. The total amount of ozone in the atmosphere would correspond to less than 1 part per million if uniformly distributed, or a column amount of about 3 mm if compressed to sea level pressure. In the troposphere, it is regarded as a pollutant, and its presence in high concentrations can lead to respiratory stress and crop damage. Ozone is an important component of photochemical smog and can also be formed locally by the action of electrical discharges on the air. Ozone in the free troposphere often results from downward transport from the stratosphere. In the stratosphere, ozone is formed following the absorption of radiation by molecular oxygen. Its mixing ratio there can reach several parts per million, and the temperature inversion characteristic of the stratosphere is due to the strong absorption of energy by ozone molecules in this region. In the stratosphere, ozone is destroyed predominantly by catalytic cycles involving free radicals, many of which are formed as products of human activity. Ozone has several radiation absorption bands that are atmospherically important: the very intense Hartley band, between 200 and 300 nm, which is responsible for much of the heating of the upper atmosphere; the Huggins bands, between 320 and 360 nm; the Chappuis bands, between 450 and 650 nm; and infrared bands, centered at 4. 7, 9. 6, and 14. 1 μm. All the above bands have been used for the detection of ozone using various remote sensing techniques. Absorption by ozone in the infrared is responsible for its effectiveness as a greenhouse gas. See Dobson unit.
Μια χαρακτηριστική σοβαρή εξάντληση του στρατοσφαιρικού όζοντος που παρουσιάζεται κάθε ελατήριο πάνω από την Ανταρκτική. Η εξάντληση είναι που προκαλείται από την καταλυτική καταστροφή του όζοντος από χλώριο, κυκλοφόρησε από φθορανθράκων και να ενεργοποιηθεί από την παρουσία των πολικό στρατοσφαιρικού σύννεφο σωματιδίων στην την παγωνιά της Ανταρκτικής στρατόσφαιρα.
Ένα σύστημα θύελλας συναγωγής που συνήθως αποτελείται από ένα σύμπλεγμα από απλούς συναγωγής κύτταρα σε διάφορα στάδια του κύκλου ζωής τους. Νέα κύτταρα στο πλαίσιο του συστήματος της συναγωγής δημιουργούνται κυρίως από είτε χαμηλού επιπέδου σύγκλισης κατά μήκος μια προϋπάρχουσα ορίου, ή με την ανύψωση στην αιχμή της κλίμακας σύστημα κρύο πισίνας που παρήχθη από τα προηγούμενα κελιά. Ένα πολυκυτταρικό καταιγίδα μπορεί να έχει μια διάρκεια ζωής της αρκετές ώρες, και μπορεί επίσης έχουν supercells ενσωματωθεί ως μέρος του συστήματος καθώς και. Δείτε επίσης: κύτταρο, απλούς κελί, υπερκυψελίδα, καταιγίδα.
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