American Meteorological Society
行业: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
(Symbol Rn. ) A radioactive gas, atomic number 86, atomic weight 222; an inert gaseous element with the property of emitting highly ionizing alpha particles during its radioactive disintegration, which makes it important in the atmospheric ion economy. Radon is a member of the uranium–radium family of radioactive elements. It forms by alpha emission from radium, which has a half-life of 1590 years. Radon itself decays by alpha emission in a half-life of only 3. 82 days. Short as this radon half-life is, it is much longer than that of its two radioactive isotopes, thoron and actinon, so radon has a much greater opportunity to be carried by turbulence and convection to considerable heights and contribute to the ionization of the atmosphere before decaying. The oceans contain such slight concentrations of dissolved radium salts that radon production is very small over the oceans. Thus, its presence in air samples is often used to indicate the time since the air was over land. Its effects on human health are currently cause for concern since it can accumulate in inadequately ventilated underground areas where it decomposes into radioactive polonium that forms particles.
The portion of the tide cycle between low water and the following high water.
Any cyclone (or low), especially a frontal cyclone, within which a circulation of one or more secondary cyclones have developed. The term is sometimes applied to the stronger of a system of two cyclones that together form a multilobed cyclone.
Dysk biały, 30 cm (12 cali) lub większej średnicy, która jest obniżony do morza do oszacowania przejrzystości wody. Głębi są zauważyć, w którym najpierw znika gdy obniżony i pojawia się, gdy podniósł. Zobacz Forel skali.
A white or milky and opaque granular deposit of ice formed by the rapid freezing of supercooled water drops as they impinge upon an exposed object. It is denser and harder than hoarfrost, but lighter, softer, and less transparent than glaze. Rime is composed essentially of discrete ice granules and has densities as low as 0. 2–0. 3 g cm<sup>−3</sup>. Glaze is generally continuous but with some air pockets and has much higher densities. Factors that favor rime formation are small drop size, slow accretion, a high degree of supercooling, and rapid dissipation of latent heat of fusion. The opposite effects favor glaze formation. Both rime and glaze occur when supercooled water drops strike an object at a temperature below freezing. Such formation on terrestrial objects constitutes an ice storm; on aircraft, it is called aircraft icing (where rime is known as rime ice). Either rime or glaze may form on snow crystals, droxtals, or other ice particles in the atmosphere. When such a deposit is wholly or chiefly of rime, snow pellets result; when most or all of the deposit is glaze, ordinary hail or ice pellets result. The alternating clear and opaque layers of some hailstones represent glaze and rime, deposited under varying conditions around the growing hailstone. See'' also'' hard rime, soft rime.
Wysokie loty nad bardzo zimno tropopauzy w tropikalnych lub lato midlatitudes balon zerowego ciśnienia. Gdy balon chłodzi i schodzi w nocy, nie powoduje zmiany jej temperatury promieniowania, ale jego Wyciąg zwiększa jak schodzi do poziomu zimniej. Utracone dźwigu jest pokonanie i balon unosi się na niższych wysokościach bez konieczności balastowe. Wysokość lotu balonu jest promieniowanie-kontrolowane.
Fala na powierzchni cieczy, wystarczająco Krótki fali, w których grawitacja jest dominujący wpływ. Tak samo jak fala kapilarna.
Fali, która zwiększa się nagle z poziomu podstawowego na inny poziom, pozostaje na tym poziomie dla określonych odstępach czasu, a następnie nagle wraca do poziomu podstawy dla tego samego lub innego interwału, a okresowo powtarza ten zachowanie. Różnicowania przebiegu radaru impulsowego przybliżeniu prostokątny.
Przebiegu, że wzrasta liniowo ze czas na stały interwał, nagle powraca do pierwotnego poziomu i powtarza proces okresowo, produkujących kształt przypominający zęby piły.
Część fali cyklu między niskimi wody i następujące wysokiej wody.
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