- 行业: Printing & publishing
- Number of terms: 178089
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
Teoria lui Jean Piaget care explică cum capacitatea de gândire a unui copil progresează în decursul a patru stadii.
Termenul lui Durkheim pentru a descrie pierderea direcției simțită în societate când controlul social al comportamentului indivizilor a devenit ineficient.
Condiția de a fi înstrăinat sau disociat față de societatea înconjurătoare.
Immanuel Wallerstein's view of the global economic system as divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited.
The state of a population with a growth rate of zero, achieved when the number of births plus immigrants is equal to the number of deaths plus emigrants.
The movement of a person from one social position to another of a different rank.
A term used by sociologists to describe the willing exchange among adults of widely desired, but illegal, goods and services.
Records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces gathered through a registration system maintained by governmental units.
A measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions
An area of study that focuses on the interrelationships between people and their environment.