The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
行业: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
Любой из различных химических составляющих каннабис (марихуана), что является, изомерные tetrahydrocannabinols, каннабинол и Каннабидиол.
C<sub>12</sub>H<sub>18</sub> One of two cyclic hydrocarbons with three double bonds; the two forms are stereoisomeric; used to make nylon-6 and nylon-12.
((NH <sub>3) 2</sub> Cr (SCN) <sub>4)</sub> NH <sub>4</sub> _H <sub>2</sub> viêm khớp thuốc thử để phát hiện thủy ngân (mang một màu đỏ hoặc kết tủa a), và để cô lập các căn cứ hữu cơ (như proline hoặc histidine).
Cinco soluciones estándar de laboratorio disponibles de la u. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, cada solución tiene un valor de pH conocidos; las normas abarcan rangos de pH de 3.557 a 8.833. PH abreviada (S).
Reactivo de laboratorio utilizado para determinar la concentración de azúcares en la solución por la titulación de color; contiene amoníaco en solución acuosa, tartrato de sodio y potasio, hidróxido de sodio y sulfato de cobre.
Electrodo de vidrio tipo membrana utilizado como el sensor de iones de hidrógeno, la mayoría de medidores de pH; la superficie del electrodo de pH de respuesta es una membrana delgada hecha de un vidrio especial.
Reactivo de laboratorio que consta de fosfato de potasio y fosfato de calcio, sulfato de magnesio y tartrato amónico en agua destilada.
Diagram used in fuel Orsat analyses by plotting percent by volume CO<sub>2</sub> (carbon dioxide) maximum in the fuel (ordinate) versus percent by volume O<sub>2</sub> (oxygen) in air (abscissa); O<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> Orsat readings should fall on a line connecting these maximum values if the analysis is proceeding properly.
Заряженные или незаряженные углеродный атом, который сложился только две ковалентные связи. Также известен как dicovalent углерода.
CH<sub>5</sub>ON<sub>3</sub>_HCl Colorless prisms, soluble in water, decomposing at 175_C; used as an analytical reagent for aldehydes and ketones, and to recover constituents of essential oils.
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