行业: Biology
Number of terms: 15386
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Photic zone is the zone from the surface to the depth where there is no longer enough light for organisms to grow by photosynthesis. The depth of the photic zone varies, depending on water clarity and the amount of sunlight. Organisms in photic zone live suspended in their liquid medium. With few exceptions, this zone lacks the solid physical structure provided either by the bottom and other geological features or by large organisms like corals and kelps.
By-catch are the organisms that are caught unintentionally while fishing for other species. It is estimated that around 25% of the worldwide catch, roughly 25 million tons, is by-catch. The swordfish caught and killed on longlines set for tuna are one example of by-catch; longlines also catch turtles, seabirds, dolphins, and other marine life.
Cold seeps are places, mostly along continental margins or in sediment-rich basins like the Gulf of Mexico, where hydrogen sulfide and methane produced by the decay of organic matter seep out from the sea floor. Communities based on chemosynthesis have been found on deep-sea " graves".Dead whales are an important source of food for deep-sea scavengers. Cold-seep organisms enjoy an energy-rich environment and grow fast and large.
Some bony fishes use color for camouflage, but others, particularly those living in the tropics, are among the most brightly colored animals in the sea. The colored pigments in bony fishes are mostly found in special cells in the skin called chromatophores. This whole process is termed as coloration. These cells are irregular in shape and have branches radiating from the center. The amazing variety of colors and hues observed among marine fishes results from combinations of chromatophores with varying amounts of different pigments.
Sea stars, sometimes called as starfishes have five arms that radiate from a central disk, though some have more than five, sometime close to 50. Hundreds of tube feet protrude from the oral surface along radiating channels on each arm. Sea stars can move in any direction, though usually slowly, by reaching out their tube feet and pulling themselves along. Most sea stars eat snails, barnacles, and other attached or slow-moving animals.
Kelps are the most complex and largest of all brown algae found in sea. Most kelps are found below the low tide level in temperate and subpolar latitudes. These kelps grow in great abundance, providing food and shelter for many other organisms. Some kelps consists of a single large blade up to 10 ft in length. Their blades are harvested for food in several parts of the world. Kelp beds are harvested by chopping off the tops for the extraction of several natural products.
The zone lacking oxygen, muddy bottoms, and sediments with absolutely no oxygen are said to be anoxic. This anoxic zone has more organic material to decay and use up oxygen. Secondly, the flow of water that brings in new oxygen is reduced. If you go very far down at all, the oxygen is completely used up. Anoxic conditions are no problem for bacteria that are capable of anaerobic respiration, in which they break down organic matter without oxygen. A poisonous gas hydrogen sulphide is produced in this zone. This gas turns things black and smells like rotten eggs. Animals living in this anoxic zone have adapted to low-oxygen environments.
A specific type of learning in which animals learns that when it performs a particular behaviour it gets a reward, usually a fish. Dolphins, killer whales, and pilot whales in captivity quickly learn tricks. Bottlenose dolphins have been used to detect underwater mines in murky water. Dolphins quickly learn by observation and may spontaneously imitate human activities. Their world is largely one of sounds, ours one is of sights.
Sponges are best described as aggregations of specialized cells. These are among the structurally simplest multicellular animals. Almost all sponges are marine. They live permamently attached to the bottom or some other surface. Some marine sponges are of commercial importance. Bath sponges, consist of spongin fibres remaining after cells and debris are washed away. Some marine sponges produce potentially useful chemicals.
Eelgrass is widely distributed in temperate and cold waters of the Pacific and North Atlantic. It is most common in shallow waters, sometimes exposed at low tide, but has been found at depths of up to 100 ft. Seagrasses can grow into thick, luxuriant beds, which often consist of more than species of seagrass and many species of seaweeds. Seagrass beds rank among the most productive communities in the entire ocean. The dense seagrasses also offer shelter to many animals.
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