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Haidingerite is a calcium arsenate mineral with formula Ca(AsO3OH)·H2O. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system as short prismatic to equant crystals. It typically occurs as scaly, botryoidal or fibrous coatings. It is soft, Mohs hardness of 2 to 2.5, and has a specific gravity of 2.95. It has refractive indices of nα = 1.590, nβ = 1.602 and nγ = 1.638.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Sacrofanite is a rare silicate mineral that has the general formula of (Na,Ca)9(Si,Al)12O24(SO4,CO3,OH,Cl)4·n(H2O). It was approved as a mineral by the International Mineralogical Association in 1980. Its name comes from the Sacrofano Caldera in the Monti Sabatini from which it was discovered in Latium, Italy.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Seeligerite is a rare complex lead chlorate iodate mineral with formula: Pb3Cl3(IO3)O. It is a yellow mineral crystallizing in the orthorhombic system. It has perfect to good cleavage in two directions and a quite high specific gravity of 6.83 due to the lead content. It is translucent to transparent with refractive indices of nα=2.120 nβ=2.320 nγ=2.320.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Analcime or analcite (from the Greek analkimos - "weak") is a white, grey, or colourless tectosilicate mineral. Analcime consists of hydrated sodium aluminium silicate in cubic crystalline form. Its chemical formula is NaAlSi2O6·H2O. Minor amounts of potassium and calcium substitute for sodium. A silver-bearing synthetic variety also exists (Ag-analcite).
Industry:Geology; Mining
Albite is a plagioclase feldspar mineral. It is the sodium endmember of the plagioclase solid solution series. As such it represents a plagioclase with less than 10% anorthite content. The pure albite endmember has the formula NaAlSi3O8. It is a tectosilicate. Its color is usually pure white, hence its name from Latin albus. It is a common constituent in felsic rocks.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Ardaite is a very rare sulfosalt mineral with chemical formula Pb19Sb13S35Cl7 in the monoclinic crystal system, named after the Arda river, which passes through the type locality. It was discovered in 1978 and approved by the International Mineralogical Association in 1980. It was the second well-defined natural chlorosulfosalt, after dadsonite.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Anthophyllite is an amphibole mineral: (Mg, Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2, magnesium iron inosilicate hydroxide. Anthophyllite is polymorphic with cummingtonite. Some forms of anthophyllite are lamellar or fibrous and are classed as asbestos. The name is derived from the Latin word anthophyllum, meaning clove, an allusion to the most common color of the mineral.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Cuprosklodowskite is a secondary uranium mineral formed by alteration of earlier uranium minerals. Its empirical formula is Cu(UO2)2(HSiO4)2·6(H2O). Cuprosklodowskite is a nesosilicate mineral, It is grass green to dark green in color, and its crystal habit is typically acicular, flat bladed crystals. It is a strongly radioactive mineral.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Maucherite is a grey to reddish silver white nickel arsenide mineral. It crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system. It occurs in hydrothermal veins alongside other nickel arsenide and sulfide minerals. It is metallic and opaque with a hardness of 5 and a specific gravity of 7.83. It is also known as placodine and Temiskamite. The unit cell is of symmetry group P41212.
Industry:Geology; Mining
Alloclasite ((Co,Fe)AsS) is a sulfosalt mineral. It is a member of the arsenopyrite group. Alloclasite crystallizes in the monoclinic system and typically forms as columnar to radiating acicular prismatic clusters. It is an opaque steel-gray to silver-white, with a metallic lustre and a black streak. It is brittle with perfect cleavage, a Mohs hardness of 5 and a specific gravity of 5.91-5.95.
Industry:Geology; Mining
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