The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
行业: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
Olukord, kui soovitud suunas analüüsi energia levitada alates (kajastub) objekti spektrofotomeetriline kolorimeetriline analüüsi kohaselt on kõik umbkaudu sama (ruuminurga kohta peaaegu null steradians).
Placing a few drops of potassium iodide solution on a sample to detect the presence of starch; test is positive if sample turns blue.
Preferential adsorption of chemical compounds (gases or liquids) in an ascending molecular-weight sequence onto a solid adsorbent material, such as activated carbon, alumina, or silica gel; used for analysis and separation of chemical mixtures.
An application of iodine chemistry to oxidation-reduction titrations for the quantitative analysis in certain chemical compounds, in which iodine is used as a reductant and the iodine freed in the associated reaction is titrated, usually in neutral or slightly acid mediums with a standard solution of a reductant such as sodium thiosulfate or sodium arsenite; examples of chemicals analyzed are copper(III), gold(VI), arsenic(V), antimony(V), chlorine, and bromine.
A cell containing the sample in the optoacoustic detection method; equipped with windows through which the laser beam enters the cell and a microphone for detecting sound.
Device for detection of presence or concentration of liquid solution ions, such as with a pH meter or by conductimetric techniques.
Meetod ja analüüsides keemiliste ainete segude kromatograafilise adsorptsiooni.
Meetod keemilisel analüüsil põhinevad imendumist või nõrgenemise küsimuse elektromagnetilise kiirguse määratud lainepikkus või sagedus. Kiirguse suhtleb alaks nagu kemikaali võlakirjade vibrational ega ringliikumist liigutuste molekulide eripära. Kiirgus saab suhelda ka konkreetsete aatomite või kogu molekuli näiteks põhjustades molekuli muuta oma elektroonilise Seisukord.
Tüüp hõlmab rände ioonide electrochromatography.
Mõõtmine tühikäigu töö elektroodi potentsiaal kuluv; muutumise määr põhineb electroanalysis Praegune on kontrolli all.
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