The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
行业: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
A procedure of fractional sublimation in which a solid mixture is separated into bands along a condensing tube with a temperature gradient.
A portion taken from a sample of material for which a chemical analysis has been specified.
An analytical technique for identification of chemical structures, determination of mixtures, and quantitative elemental analysis, based on application of the mass spectrometer.
In chromatography, a tube holding the stationary phase through which the mobile phase is passed.
The analyte as considered in terms of its being an assemblage of constituents, each with its own properties.
Analytical techniques developed to continuously monitor physical or chemical changes of a sample which occur as the temperature of a sample is increased or decreased. Thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry are the principal thermoanalytical methods.
Le disposizioni di legge che prevedono l'utilizzo del territorio e la progettazione architettonica di abitazioni, a volte usate come mezzo per mantenere le minoranze razziali e le persone a basso reddito al di fuori delle aree suburbane.
Il termine di Max Weber per l'obiettività dei sociologi nell'interpretazione dei dati.
La tendenza dei lavoratori in una burocrazia di diventare così specializzati da sviluppare i punti ciechi e non riuscire a vedere i problemi evidenti.
La pratica di collocare gli studenti in gruppi di capacità accademiche in base ai punteggi dei test e altri criteri.
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