- 行业: Printing & publishing
- Number of terms: 178089
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
A procedure for obtaining a weighted average of age-specific rates in which the weights are selected on the basis of a standard age distribution (e.g., the population of the United States in 1940).
Industry:Health care
Un modello di consumo di sostanze indicate dai ripetuti effetti negativi connessi all'uso ripetuto della sostanza. Gli esempi includono il non compimento di obblighi sul lavoro, scuola o casa e problemi sociali e interpersonali.
Industry:Health care
A test result that is normal (negative) despite the true presence of the disease of interest or a study result that incorrectly fails to identify a true effect. (See also Type II error. )
Industry:Health care
A clinical trial in which each group of subjects receives two or more treatments, but in different sequences.
Industry:Health care
A form of psychotherapy designed to replace distorted or inappropriate ways of thinking with healthy, more realistic thoughts to alter maladaptive moods and behavior. It is instructional in approach and is based on the theory that thoughts (not external influences such as people, situations, and events) cause feelings and behaviors. Patients learn to identify the thinking that causes the negative feelings and behaviors and then learn how to replace that thinking with thoughts that lead to more desirable feelings and behaviors.
Industry:Health care
A list of references, usually seen at the end of a professionally written document.
Industry:Health care
A worsening in neurologic function in a subarachnoid hemorrhage patient, occurring several days after the initial bleed, not due to another cause.
Industry:Health care
A chronic progressive neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by a decline in memory and at least one other cognitive function.
Industry:Health care
A protein, often produced in response to exposure to an antigen, that binds to the antigen and thereby stimulates its inactivation by the immune system.
Industry:Health care