- 行业: Computer
- Number of terms: 318110
- Number of blossaries: 26
- Company Profile:
An American multinational software corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services related to computing.
与特定段落、 图像或表相关联的讨论评论。在 Web 浏览器,现场讨论均显示在文档正文中 ;在 Microsoft Word 文档中,它们显示在讨论窗格中。
The core of layered architecture that manages the most basic operations of the operating system and the computer's processor. The kernel schedules different blocks of executing code, called threads, for the processor to keep it as busy as possible and coordinates multiple processors to optimize performance. The kernel also synchronizes activities among Executive-level subcomponents, such as I/O Manager and Process Manager, and handles hardware exceptions and other hardware-dependent functions. The kernel works closely with the hardware abstraction layer.
从中制造商正在制造的计算机创建的所有其他操作系统映像的硬盘映像。主映像是包含所有软件、 配置设置和其他自定义的解决方案提供商所要求的最终操作系统映像。它是在特定产品中加工过程中的每台计算机上安装。