- 行业: Computer
- Number of terms: 318110
- Number of blossaries: 26
- Company Profile:
An American multinational software corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services related to computing.
A non-printing line or point that can be used to help position or align objects or text.
A filter that displays all information and highlights the data that match the filter criteria.
A movie clip that plays when the user opens a Web page, or when the pointer rests on a movie image, or in both instances, depending on the object's settings. Not all Web browsers support inline movies.
一个虚拟网络适配器,它特定的物理网络适配器,模拟多端口 DEC 21140 10/100TX 100 MB。旧版网络适配器还支持基于网络的安装,因为它包含了启动到预执行环境 (PXE 启动) 的能力。
A copy of a file stored in a user's working folder on the local computer. The local copy differs from the master copy if the local copy is changed since the last checkout, or if the master copy is changed by another user while the local copy is checked out.
由客户端和服务器用于所有会话密钥生成的键。主密钥用于生成客户端读取键、 客户端写入键、 服务器读取键和服务器写入密钥。主密钥可以作为简单的导出密钥 Blob。