- 行业: Computer
- Number of terms: 318110
- Number of blossaries: 26
- Company Profile:
An American multinational software corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services related to computing.
The direction that the attribute flow takes when going from ILM to a connected system.
移动通过打印机纸张的一种机制。在激光打印机和其他页面打印机,进纸通常是一系列的滚轮,牢牢地抓住,然后将纸张对齐。在点阵打印机进纸通常是饲料的 pin 或拖拉机饲料,其中小针脚拖或推有可拆卸的边缘与链轮孔打了纸张。摩擦饲料是另一种类型的进纸,在纸是压盘和压力辊间笼罩和由旋转台板的拉扯。
一位微软 ® DirectPlay ® 会话的会话的完整状态复制的所有计算机在会话中。会话描述数据 — — 的球员和组的名称和与每个会话相关联的远程数据列表 — — 在每台计算机上重复。当一台计算机更改的东西时,它会立即传播到其他的所有计算机。
An object that organizes data within a PerformancePoint Planning Server application. A model site is a container for models and their related elements (such as dimensions, security and mapping information, and business process definitions) that are used to structure business intelligence data. Each model site can inherit data and structure from the root model site of the application.
A programming technique that ensures that only one program or routine at a time can access some resource, such as a memory location, an I/O port, or a file, often through the use of semaphores, which are flags used in programs to coordinate the activities of more than one program or routine.
A space that is used to prevent multiple words from breaking if they fall at the end of a line. For example, you can prevent "Microsoft Office" from breaking; instead, the entire item moves to the beginning of the next line.
A mechanism that moves paper through a printer. In laser printers and other page printers, the paper feed is usually a series of rollers that firmly grip and align the paper. In dot-matrix printers, the paper feed is usually a pin feed or tractor feed, in which small pins drag or push paper that has detachable edges punched with sprocket holes. Friction feed is another type of paper feed, in which the paper is gripped between the platen and pressure rollers and pulled by rotation of the platen.
A Microsoft® DirectPlay® session in which the session's complete state is replicated on all the computers in the session. The session description data—the list of players and groups and the names and remote data associated with each session—are duplicated on every computer. When one computer changes something, it is immediately propagated to all the other computers.