Related to Equities: Represents the price appreciation of a stock combined with cash dividends reinvested on the payment date. It is calculated for 1,2,3,4, and 5 year time horizons on an average annual basis.
Related to Mutual Funds: A measure of a fund's profitability, expressed as a percentage, that is computed by dividing the increase or decrease in the fund's net asset value over a period of time (typically one year), including dividends or interest payments and capital gains or losses, but excluding sales charges or loads, redemption fees and taxes, by the fund's net asset value at the beginning of the period. Total return figures will be lowered by any account management, administrative, or Rule 12b-1 fees and other costs automatically deducted from fund assets.
- 词性: noun
- 行业/领域: 金融服务
- 类别 基金
- Company: Merrill Lynch
- MJ63
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