Home > Blossary: Chinese famous scenic spots
China has a lot of famous scenic spots.

Category: Travel

21 Terms

Created by: vivian sun

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. ...

Domain: Science; Category: General science Collected Term

A scoring system in which players are given bonus points for passing, rushing and/or receiving milestones. For instance, some leagues award one point for every 10 rushing yards or give five points ...

Domain: Sports; Category: Football Collected Term

A mass airflow sensor (MAF) is one of the components of a car electronic fuel injection system. A mass air flow sensor is installed inside the intake air duct between the air filter and the intake ...

Domain: Automotive; Category: Automobile Collected Term

Study of live human organic functions. Linguistically, these are neural, cardiovascular, pulmonary, as well as muscle and tendon functioning to matter most to speech. Already the common cold can ...

Domain: Language; Category: General language Collected Term

A very small, white star formed when an average sized star uses up its fuel supply and collapses. This process often produces a planetary nebula, with the white dwarf star at its center.

Domain: Astronomy; Category: General astronomy Collected Term

The history says the Arabs were the first who began trade a coffee. Coffee was not only drank at home but there were a lot of public places where people came not only to have a cup of their favorite ...

Domain: Beverages; Category: Coffee Collected Term

Member comments

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Looking for more terms.

10:04, 27 October 2014


What do you know about aperture?

05:11, 25 October 2014


I especially like your inclusion of "vegetable" in its agricultural form into this Blossary.

16:19, 24 October 2014


soeharto from Indonesia?

04:55, 15 October 2014

vivian sun

I like chinese place. It is my home!

08:36, 21 August 2014
My other Blossarys

Blossarys: A place to create, collect and share ...

Category: Arts

By: vivian sun

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